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Company News
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NEW! EU customers - we can accept payment in EURO currency. Contact us for a quote at or +44(0)1280852550
NEW! - VacMotion announces a longer lasting reinforced FDA approved Silicone suction cup material. Available now for most models. Please call us for details.
NEW! - VacMotion introduces a new line of modular suction cups designed to be the best solution for handling plastic bags and other deformable materials. The cups offer a stiff body with excellent resistance to stress and a soft silicone lip that is easily replaceable.
CLICK HERE to see the full line.
Product Spotlight
Introducing VacMotion's newest line of vacuum check valves.
These valves are for applications where some of the suction cups may not be in contact with the workpiece
CLICK HERE for more info.

Vacuum Suction Cups
Vacuum Components
Vacuum Filters
Suction cups, vacuum cups and vacuum pads available in flat, single bellows, multiple bellows and special shapes. Available from stock for all industrial applications.
A full line of vacuum components including: venturi vacuum generators, vacuum valves, vacuum regulators, vacuum sensors and pneumatic silencers.
VacMotion offers low cost plastic in-line vacuum filters and rugged metal housing vacuum filters. Our unique oil-bath models offer filtration levels below 1 micron.
The largest selection of in-line strainers and filters used for liquid pump protection, agricultural sprayers, pressure washers, drinking water prefilters, dental filtration and many other applications.